Grandma's Pineapple Squash 700ml
Did you know that a pineapple is a bunch of berries growing together? Beach parties, summer parties or a luau. No tropical theme party is complete without a taste of pineapples. Bring out Grandma's Pineapple Squash for a tangy tropical punch that transports you to sunny beaches and sparkling seas. Grandma's fruit squashes contain fruit pulp that lets you feel the tangible experience of tasting fresh fruit juice.
Did you know that a pineapple is a bunch of berries growing together? Beach parties, summer parties or a luau. No tropical theme party is complete without a taste of pineapples. Bring out Grandma's Pineapple Squash for a tangy tropical punch that transports you to sunny beaches and sparkling seas. Grandma's fruit squashes contain fruit pulp that lets you feel the tangible experience of tasting fresh fruit juice.